Turbofire Days 12-37 & The Benefits of Parsely!

Have you ever just craved a eggs & veggies so bad that you wake up, make them and think, “What so now you are a health nut?”

I do this all the time. When I was “dieting” in high school, my go to breakfast was one egg and two egg white scrambled with a piece of bacon and some vegetable stir-fried. To this day, I crave it!! Now instead of just cabbage, broccoli, peppers or onions, I use a variety of ingredients. I LOVE my honeymoon omelettes that consist of bacon, peppers, onions, & mushrooms, but I branch out from leeks, beets, turnips, bok choy, sweet potatoes, and any other unlikely combination you can think of. I usually cut cheese out of the equation and save it for my daughter (it’s her favorite food.)

Who else isn't ready to let go of Valentine's Day? www.hhmomma.com

This AM, I had scrambled eggs with on piece of bacon, some chopped leek, mini peppers, and zucchini! Breakfast Idea - Leek, peppers and zucchini stir-fry with scrambled eggs!!Who else isn't ready to let go of Valentine's Day? www.hhmomma.com

For a couple weeks I am really going to do some CLEAN meals. For lunch I had 4 oz chicken breast and some broccolini with sauteed zucchini and cherry tomatoes.

Health Benefits of Parsley - Do you add parsley to everything too? hhmomma.com

After I sat down to eat, I looked at my meals and thought, “Hey, let’s jazz this up.” I chopped up some fresh parsley and VOILA!

Health Benefits of Parsley - Do you add parsley to everything too? hhmomma.com

Just two tablespoons of parsley has over 130% of your DRI of Vitamin K! It’s saturated with Vitamin A & C, as well as folate and iron. It has plenty of antioxidants too! It’s a bitter flavored plant so it enhances savory flavors of meats. I add parsley to everything. It also extracts toxins, metals, and radicals out of your system sort of like a cleanse. When you are at the grocery store, grab a bunch – or better yet, plant some in your garden this year! I know I will be!

When I am at my computer, I sit for hours going through my social medias and writing on my blog. So, on day 12 I decided that I needed a break from sitting and more ACTIVITY! I thought about vlogging but I don’t know if I am ready or even technically capable of doing so lol! Instead, I’m going to take chunks at time a week to detail my weeks rather than days. Instead of listing my foods and all that on my blog, I show everything on my instagram and myfitnesspal.

Eat Better Feel Better. A motivational Fitness Journal Blog. LOVE her life!

One week ago I shared my 4 week progress! Time has gone by so quickly I am shocked at how my progress my body is showing! I am NOT losing pounds but I AM losing inches and I LOVE IT!

My weekends are always the busiest. I do all of my Shopping & Meal Prep on Saturday & Sunday. I love the weekends because my husband is home to help with the kids, but also because they are the days I enjoy the most.

Mondays are my check in days. I weigh and measure then make sure I post and update and record everything. We also usually Spaghetti for dinner with a salad and sometimes garlic bread.

Tuesday are my cleaning days. When I clean I workout! SQUATS and LUNGES into each room! After I complete a task I do 20 push ups, jumping jacks or just what ever I feel like! My daughter and I have been blasting FROZEN soundtrack and dancing all over the place!

Wednesday is Hump Day – Seafood and Water day!

Thursdays are my kids’ activity days. They have dance and swim lessons, plus we go to the park and run around.

Fridays are Flex Fridays!

Then the weekend starts it all over again!

Last week was a tad bit of a set back for me. My sister went into labor so our endorphins were really flying! I didn’t have time to work out some of the days, plus with all the family time I either over ate on peanut butter, missed my Shakeology, or didn’t watch my proportions. I haven’t gained weight, but the set back has left me with indigestion and NO energy. I spoke with my coach about whether I should back track and redo a week to fix the problem. But she gave me the best advise I could have given my self  – and this is why I believe EVERYONE needs someone’s help.

“I want you to keep moving forward. Never look back and NEVER have regrets. They won’t make you happy. In the end if you feel like you need to add an extra week go for it.”

I LOVE HER! Seriously, you can’t get much more positive and still progress. No matter what I choose, this isn’t a diet – it’s my life style!

I have family coming into town tonight, so instead of thinking,

“Oh, man, I’m going to be eating out and being around unhealthy eating patterns, so screw it.”

I am thinking,

“Hey I can use this opportunity to really shine and show how healthy I can be and maybe – just maybe – my example will rub off on my family.”

Four Ingredient Banana, Peanut Butter, and Protein Pancakes

Valentines Day is full of sweets and if we aren’t careful, thousands of calories! Instead of splurging this year, I have a great solution for all of us! Skinny protein pancakes that use only four ingredients and literally take seconds to make.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

These pancakes are peanut butter packed goodness and loaded with a lot of protein. They are very sweet so you might not even want syrup.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

First, gather your ingredients: banana, pb2, vanilla protein powder, and egg whites. That’s right only four ingredients are necessary! Additionally, you will want maple syrup for eating and some cooking spray or grapeseed oil for cooking.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

In a bowl, add your protein powder.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

Then add your banana – in slices so that mixing and mashing is easier.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

Separate your egg whites from the yolk & add to your bananas and protein powder.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

PB2 is one of my favorite foods out there, or rather flavors out there. I add it to everything to smoothies, yogurt, pancakes, cream cheese, etc. It is amazing stuff. It has 80% less fat than regular peanut butter!

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

Mash and mix the four ingredients together. There! It was that easy.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

Heat up a pan with 1/2 tablespoon grapeseed oil or other oil/cooking spray on Low/Medium heat. I got this heart pancake cast iron skillet at Target last on clearance after Valentine’s Day passed. It is a very simple way to turn ordinary pancakes into special love pancakes.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

Scoop about two tablespoons of batter for one pancake. As like all pancakes, they burn quickly & easily, so always cook on low temperatures. Flip after a minute.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

Serve with maple syrup or sweetener of your choice.

This Valentine's Day, treat your loved ones with a healthy protein packed breakfast. Start the sweet filled day right with Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes hhmomma.com

Valentines Day Heart Pancakes

Four Ingredient Pancakes
439 calories
Maple syrup and cooking oil included in calorie count
1 medium ripe banana, mashed
1 serving vanilla protein powder, I used Herbalife French Vanilla for these
2 egg whites
1 serving pb2, 12 grams

1/2 tablespoon grapeseed oil
1/8 cup organic maple syrup

Double the recipe for two <3
Mash your banana, mix in the egg white, protein powder, & pb2. Heat a pan on medium heat. Fry your pancakes in a teaspoon of grapeseed oil or use nonstick cooking spray. To measure the batter, I used about two tablespoons for each heart. Flip after one minute. Serve hot with maple syrup, agave, or any other sweetener you prefer.
I did not double my recipe and it made seven heart pancakes.


Peanut Butter Jar Oatmeal

What is the best part about an empty peanut butter jar?

There is not one?


Peanut Butter Oatmeal!

1/2 cup quick oats

1 tsp brown sugar

empty pb jar

1+ cup boiling water

I never waste anything ;)

How do you get ready for summer?

Lemonade, bikinis, sunscreen, green grass, fireworks, BBQ’s… OH MY! What are we doing to get ready? Well I know I need some motivation and THINspiration!

How are you getting ready for bikini season? Need some THINspiration? Check out this health&fitness blog. www.hhmomma.com

I got out a swim suit from last year and hung it up in my bathroom. It’s one of those things that I’m super excited for, but at the same time dreading the hard workouts that are going to one with it.All I know is that no matter what I look like by March (because here in the desert in January it is already 55 degrees Fahrenheit!) I am going to be confident in the muscles I’m in (not skin I’m in because WHO want just skin? I want muscles!) because I am healthy and I am fit.Just over the past months I’ve a huge difference in my families eating habits. My kids love raw fruits and veggies, whole grains and healthy fats. Now I’m not raising my kids as vegetarian or any other limiting diet. Children need certain nutrients to grow and develop correctly. My kids don’t have food allergies or sensitives (yet) so I make sure they eat clean 80% of the time. No matter how you feed you children, make sure they are intaking vital nutrients, vitamins & minerals. Check amino acid analysis record on plant foods if they are vegetarian/vegan. Quinoa is only so great…

Now I don’t know about you, but Thursday’s are the busiest day of the week for me! Is that so, for you, too? I feel like everything is thrown at us the last day before the weekend, but, hey, we can conquer the world!
I usually have my smoothies at lunch, but I had to have mine on the go to class for dinner. Remember to follow me on myfitnesspal! I use it everyday, even if it is just to check out how many calories are in a serving & what exactly is a serving. It’s great for people who aren’t trying to lose weight too. It tells you how much of each nutrient, vitamin, and mineral you need for that day.

Food Porn! Check out some really good breakfast ideas for any weight loss plan. www.hhmomma.com

It was nice to have an egg for breakfast! Open-faced egg & avocado sandwich.

Food Porn! Check out some really good breakfast ideas for any weight loss plan. www.hhmomma.com

I love eggs & avocado combo.

Open-faced Egg & Avocado Sandwich

237 calories – 1 serving

1 egg
1/2 avocado
1 piece of whole wheat bread, toasted. I used Sarah Lee
Cook the egg how you prefer.
Layer your sandwich toast, avocado, egg. Simple as that.
I like my yolk to drip all over my sandwich before I eat it.

Valentine's Day will be here sooner than you think! What are you having? www.hhmomma.com

Today I worked on a new pancake recipe you guys are going to die for!!! Seriously, I am drooling thinking about them… Too bad I’m out of bananas or else I would probably push save and make some more! My daughter and I ate two bananas (each) today. The recipe is soon to come!

Stay Zen. Follow this fitness journey at www.hhmomma.com

Do you like peppermint tea? Ever tried spearmint? I recently had Tazo’s Zen at a Starbucks and it was so good. It’s a spearmint green tea blend. It’s very mild, but it does have caffeine – which as perfect to keep me into class and later ready for my late night work out.

Do you use a hair band every time you work out? www.hhmomma.com

I have never used hair bands before I had my kids. I never had fly aways in my face. After I had my kids, I lost a lot of my hair and it’s still re-growing. I’m not so sure it was the most comfortable thing ever, but I pined them in place with some bobby pins. It stayed in place for my whole workout!

Find comfortable shoes to workout in. Trust me, it's more important to be comfy than stylin' ~ www.hhmomma.com


Comfort vs being stylish – Comfort for sure!

kisses xo www.hhmomma.com

Now just to show off my daughter a little bit – she LOVES to take photos like I do. She took this just before I left for class. I’m telling you she is amazing.

Surviving College

How to survive college! Every college student must read this! We are poor but happy college students.

Sometimes we struggle with balancing our school work, children, social life, and healthy lifestyles.

What can we do to make this work?

To mold our lives together into perfect working factions?

Although it is tough, we make it work through hard work, dedication, and a constant reminder of happiness! For most of us, college is a time when we finally start our lives as independently as possible. Some of us start later in life but achieve a sense of independence we never knew we were capable of. College is the time when you are finally on your own. You learn to make your own decisions and rules. You guide your life to the destination you desire- even if it is unknown. Living a healthy lifestyle in college does not have to be hard though and it definitely does not require hours of prep and preplanning! The key is to stay organized. Get into the habit of making certain meals on a certain night of the week, going grocery shopping, etc. Start a notebook like mine (see my DIY : Notebook) It’s realistic, small and easy to shove in your purse or backpack.

Eating healthy while at college:
Keep a handful of items ready to go. I usually make a big batch of chicken on Sundays to eat throughout the week. I buy frozen bags of veggies that are microwavable, I have apple fries & peanut butter, which is easy for sharing with a roommate, child or hubby. Find foods that are easy for you and don’t require a lot of preparation!

how to budget in college
Pack little jars, bags or containers of hunger killers the night before. So when you are running late to class the next morning you can grab one and go!
Keep a budget. Since most of us do not have a ton of extra money, limit yourself each week. I have a set grocery list and it is typically $30 per week in food just for me. My children & husband are extra. I choose more whole foods in my diet… Like fresh fruit and veggies, peanut butter, whole wheat pastas, and some snacks.
Limit eating out to only a few times a week. SAVE MONEY!! Don’t go out too often, it is cheaper and healthier to cook for yourself! When you eat out, box half of your meal up and save the other half for the next day. Stretch your dollar!

Replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology. I like mine at lunch. It’ll be your healthiest meal of the day and at $4 a serving, it beats any fast food meal or latte you can buy! Plus it has the nutritional value of eating 5 large salads in one meal! It will increase your energy, decrease cravings, help you lose weight and give you the nutrition you need in one glass. It’s portable, convenient and absolutely tastes amazing!

We have a restaurant called the Pasta Factory. They serve a Bow Tie Chicken Caesar Salad served with a Bread Twist that is to-die-for. I order the full, dressing on the side, no croutons, and add half spinach instead of just romaine… You’ll come to find out I always make my salad bigger by adding more lettuce; what can I say – I’m an herbivore! I, like sooo many people here, can hardly resist a Steak Salad from Cafe Rio. BUT I order no tortilla chips, no rice, extra pico and choose either guacamole or the dressing. Sometimes it’s hard to leave things out, but honestly if you’re only eating half your “restaurant size” meal at a time it’s okay to include all your favorites. Remember proportion sizes!
If you can hold the beast back, invite your friends or family to come over and cook a healthy dinner! That is always fun.
Find healthy options for when you do go out. I’ll post a page on that soon. Most restaurants have side salads, steamed veggies, and whole wheat options. Restaurants over-portion their plates by double if not more! When I eat out with my husband, we get an appetizer and one meal, then split it! If I am with my friends or family and want to take left-overs home for the next day, I order two small appetizers, or one appetizer and a side salad. Even if you just switch the fries for veggies and keep your normal meal the same that is still a healthier option!

how to drink more water, get hydrated fast
Choose water. Wherever you go, order a water, or water with lemon. Skip the soda or whatever else. Tea is okay, but remember caffeine is a stimulant and too much will dehydrate you and also pull calcium out of your bones. Water is the best option there is! I always have at least one of my water bottles with me. Train yourself into making a habit of taking water with you!

Stay active:
A simple way to get in your daily exercise is to walk! Walk around campus between classes and walk to your class. Park far away from your class building to encourage you to walk. Get your blood pumping. Ride your bike to class! Try enrolling in gym class. Most colleges have a gym, some are free with your tuition. Take advantage of this and GO!!! There is always something for everyone!

Fit it into your schedule. If you are a morning person or you don’t have classes until the afternoon then go before class! Try BeachBody’s at home DVD programs! T25 is only 25 min long, and their Hip Hop Abs & Turbo Jam spice things up without having to go to the gym. If you prefer your workouts between or after classes then try to make it a habit. Take advantage of your college’s gym. Take a weight training class for credit! Even if you are going to do some yoga and stretch out. Remind yourself how good you feel when you are active.

Staying Smart:
Find a study buddy. Everyone knows that when you study with someone you retain more info, learn things you missed and actually recall the info for the exam. You can study together and even work on homework. You’re less likely to miss deadlines with a study buddy there to help remind you. Sometimes it can be distracting but most of the time it is motivating. Figure out what kind of learner you are do you need to talk it out? Record lectures? Draw pictures & diagrams? Walk around and fiddle? Do what works regardless of what others think.

college studying
GO to class and do your homework.
Find a tutor or talk to your professor if you need help! The more you talk to them, the more get they know you, and the more they can help you! Plus, they are willing to write letters of recommendation for future applications or interviews.
How to maintain a social life:
Get involved, put yourself out there. You’ll meet so many people who will help you determine who you are and where you stand. Figure out which clubs you want to join and join them. Don’t think, just do. But keep your numbers low – it is much better to be highly involved in a few groups rather than not as involved in many groups. Stay close to the members and communicate with them. Organizations are a great way to meet people with similar interests as you.
Find your group of friends. Choose who you want to be like and love them for all their differences. You are who your friends are, so choose wisely. Be the friend you wish you had. You may not get a chance be close with your roommates if they don’t try too… but, honestly, it’s not your problem as long as they pay rent.
If you aren’t into partying it’s okay! You don’t have to party for a good time. Do the things you enjoy. Hiking, biking, art festivals, movies, shopping, reading a book on your bed (join the book club!)
College is stressful. If you are struggling I urge you to seek help! Many colleges offer free counseling if you need to talk to someone! If you are struggling talk to a counselor, a friend, or anyone you trust.
Get involved because being involved helps your mind stay active. Workout! Jump around! Dance! The endorphins will keep depression at bay.

college chair

It is hard being away from everything you miss. Remember that everyone is going through the same feelings and looking for friends as well! Find them and bond. If college is stressful or the workload is too much then consider taking fewer classes. It is better for you to feel organized and understand what you are learning, rather than lolly gagging your way through college for grades. The knowledge you gain will be very important in your career.
Get a notebook and organize your weeks. Help yourself figure out what you need to do for not just you, but for those around you. That way, when your deadlines arrive you aren’t overwhelmed when there is so much to do.
Set time aside everyday for you!
The days before college you were just a kid, now that you’re in college you are grown up playing kid. Make the best of it.
Be safe, and even more importantly, be smart!

Think happy, healthy thoughts!


Why am I so sore after working out?

Sticking to a workout plan is hard, but we can make it easier with more and more support!

There are so many people out there with good intentions, but fail to follow through for many reasons. We need to realize that we can’t control life sometimes. Stuff happens and we have to work around it. No body is perfect.


I can’t shake this headache – so I’m going to have to start using myfitnesspal, again. I’ve been drinking tons of water! I think I might need to increase my calories even more than I did yesterday! I’m not complaining – 1800 cals is awesome.

what is lactic acid build up

Before class today, I packed my Shakeology shake in my camera bag, AND LEFT IT AT HOME! So I had to grab something in town before I went to the grocery store. I can’t go to the store hungry – not just because I’ll drool the whole time or buy unhealthy foods, but because I buy too much of the healthy foods, then they go bad or forgotten about. I grabbed a six piece grilled nuggets and fruit bowl plus tons of water.

peanut butter toast

I really do have peanut butter everyday…

As for my workout, today is my rest day. I’m resting my sore body, but honestly it feels better to move around.

Why do I get sore after working out?

When you work out, sometimes your muscles use a process called the anaerobic process. It means that your cells gets the energy it needs from glucose instead of the usual aerobic method with oxygen. When glucose is broken down anaerobically, it goes through a process called glycolysis where glucose is broken down in to a substance called pyruvate. When oxygen is low, pyruvate is converted into lactate for a short time. Lactate is sometimes called lactic acid because high levels of lactate increase the acidity of muscle cells. Now it isn’t the lactic acid that causes the soreness after working out vigorously, instead its the process of producing lactate and other byproducts and metabolic reactions that create the burning sensation. So in other words – if you are sore after working out, you know  you are burning fat!

Now, I am so sore! I really worked out really hard the past two days & used muscles I forgot I had. TurboFire is so different than running or doing weights.

why am I so sore after working out

I’m not a huge fan of hummus, but I decided to give it another try. Jicama [hick-a-ma] with my roasted red pepper hummus was a great combination. Jicama is naturally sweet, and the hummus had a little spice to it, so the combination of the two was great! My daughter thinks jicama tastes like an apple.

I had planned to make grilled chicken salads for dinner, but my husband told me he was sick of chicken… This happens pretty often. He works construction and usually eats around 4-5000 calories a day! He’s 6’3″…

Anyways, on his way home he begged me to let him pick up bean & cheese quesadilla meals. Marriage is all about comprimising, so compromising we did. We melded our two ideas together!

how to stay motivated

I turned this – plain beans & rice…

semi homemade salad

…into this!

how to get perfect grill marks

Check out my grill marks! How did I do that? To get perfect grill marks, oil up your indoor grill pan, heat to med-high heat, grill thin chicken breasts on one side for 6 minutes, rotate 90-70 degree, cook for another 5-6 minutes, then flip and repeat!

REMEMBER: Follow my instagram for daily photos! @hhmommablog

Step Two – Remember Your Body Is Detoxing

So, I woke up today and felt 10 lbs lighter!

I know it’s not true, but I felt it. You know how sometimes you wake, get ready, put on those jeans that are always so tight, but this day they aren’t – and you get flushed and love yourself?? Then you step on the scale and you weigh more than you did yesterday when you thought you were fat? Yeah today was one of those days. I didn’t step on the scale, but my jeans were still tight. *bummer

There is no miracle pill, magic wrap, or such thing as instant results. It takes time!

No worries, I know everyday is a new day. Soon a week will be over, then two, then a whole month, then six months, then it’ll be Christmas again!

I’ll admit that today was rough. It is always like this for me when I start new workouts or eating plans.

When my body detoxes, I get headaches… :(

It really is no-fun. I don’t typically take medications unless it gets really bad. Obviously, a little detox isn’t horrible, but it’s annoying when your babies are cranky, too. I’ve been drinking glass upon glass of water to make sure dehydration isn’t a factor. It’s not that I feel sick or lethargic – in fact, I have TONS of energy.

My workout was INTENSE! I love TurboJam, so I knew I’d love TurboFire. I was so sore after just the first starter workout – excited for what is to come.

I’m definitely IN LOVE!

I am accountable!

breakfast ideaseasy cheap snacksI like the the taste of mustard on my tuna salad. I used light EVOO mayo.how to stay motivated

Shakeology – chocolateis peanut butter healthyYes, I had PB toast again for a snack… I love pb.everyone loves peanut butterEven my daughter loves pb!
myplateThis was my dinner tonight – steamed squash, pan fried chicken, & stuffed shells. How did your day go?

Always thinking happy, healthy thoughts!

workout hair


Step One: Commit!

I am so excited to add another chapter to my fitness journey! I just received my first challenge pack ever by BeachBody.

how to lose weight fast

Obviously, we all know that in order to become healthier beings, we MUST change. There is no miracle pill, magical wrap or easy way out. But seriously, why does it have to be so hard?

It’s only as hard as we make it. I make everything hard. But not anymore. I am committing to myself that I won’t give up on this. I have tried many workout routines, read hundreds of diet programs, talked to a handfull of trainers – but couldn’t stick with it. I have found my support through my free beachbody coach. I know I can make anything work, even if I don’t do the BeachBody programs or eating plans she is there for me and will help me reach my goals.

I want to do that for you, too!

This is why I am sharing my first fitness journal with you. I am here for you and whatever fitness and health problems you need help with.

TurboFire Program

I am following the program’s workouts just as the calendar provided advises. I am enjoying one Shakeology shake a day at either breakfast or lunch, and then the other days I’ll be having regular meals and snacks. I am going to follow the meal plan as suggested as close as possible. I trust the meal plans because they are created by professionals. There is true Nutrition Science behind it. I know it’ll work for me!

Today is my DAY 1 !!


blueberry pb toast stretchnikesfruit & cheese drink yourself skinnybaby zucchini & chicken


I know I will succeed!

Think Happy Healthy Thoughts

xo Stephanie

Avocado Banana Green Monster Smoothie

I love green smoothies! I know today’s lunch was supposed to be an avocado kale smoothie, but I didn’t buy enough kale because it disappeared…
I had spinach so it was a simple replacement. When I put spinach into my smoothies, I always add a stronger flavor in addition to it. I usually do bananas or sometimes even peanut butter.
I always have halves of bananas in my freezer. When my bananas go black, I peel them and freeze them. I love the flavor or over-ripe bananas. I always have frozen avocado slices too. I never eat a whole avocado at a time so I freeze the rest. Adding frozen ingredients make your smoothie thick, and the avocado & Greek yogurt make it rich and creamy – but still healthy! Remember the protein & liquid can be swapped for your favorites.
My daughter calls this smoothie green monster ice cream. We ate it together for lunch before our walk to the park today.

Avocado Banana Smoothie

•1/4 of an avocado
•1/2 a medium banana, frozen
•1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
•1/2 cup spinach
•1 cup ice
•1 cup milk
•Drizzle of agave nectar

Blend & serve with a spoon.


Who said lattes have to be coffee?


When people think of lattes they instantly imagine a caffé latte, or milk coffee. However, lattes don’t have to be “coffee milks.” In fact, they can be made with whatever you want.
This smoothie recipe is very versatile. For your flavor, you can choose any kind of espresso, coffee, green tea, chai tea, or herbal tea if you aren’t a caffeine drinker.
Four ingredients make up the smoothie – a protein, a liquid, ice, and your flavor.
My protein is a protein powder, Herbalife French Vanilla Formula One. You can use any kind of protein you fancy. Some ideas are Greek yogurt – sweetened or unsweetened – even just regular yogurt.
My liquid is skim milk, I use a lot of almond milk too. You could use water, juice, coconut milk, or any nut milk really. Just remember nutrition – skim milk and nut milks are rich in nutrients.
For my flavor, I used chai tea concentrate for this smoothie. You can use whatever you wish! I try to keep it a zero calorie flavor. (To make any kind of tea concentrate, just boil a cup of hot water. When it comes to a full boil turn off heat and steep 4 bags of your favorite tea. I let it sit on the counter for an hour to completely cool, then pour into a container for the fridge or you can even freeze the concentrate in an ice cube tray. It should make 4 servings/8oz- 1/4 cup/2oz each serving)
Layer your ingredients like so: ice, flavor, protein, and then milk. I hate it when my protein powder clumps on the bottom and doesn’t mix well. Blend on high until smooth! Try not I drink so fast as to get a brain freeze… It’s hard sometimes because this smoothie is so good!
